torsdag den 13. december 2012

Edible slime - The kids loves it!

When having small kids it is nice to know that nothing will happen if they eat the things they play with.
Last weekend we made som edible slime.
Vi found the recipe at

Here it is:

1 teaspoon soluble fiber (e.g., Metamucil psyllium fiber)
8 ounces (1 cup) water
food coloring (optional)

Mix psyllium fiber and water together and let it boil for a couple of minutes, on the stove or in the micro wave.
Stir in a couple of drops of food coloring

Cool off befor letting the kids playing with the slime.

If the slime is to thin then boil again.

Have fun, we sure did.

Cute snowmen with hot chocolate and marshmallows

Just made these cute snowmen the other day for my daughter's class.
Each cup was decorated with a sharpie and in each cup was a marshmallow on a stick and a tablespoon og instant chocolate.
It was a great success

tirsdag den 11. december 2012

Cooking with garlic chives

Making garlic chives is easy!
Take some old garlic cloves, put them in a bowl of water and let them grow.
After 2 weeks you have the most tastefull chives ready to use.

You can use it in salats, wok or dressing.

it is easy and yummy

lørdag den 1. december 2012

Once a week cooking

I have red a lot about once a month cooking but I must be honest, I really don't think I can handle such a big project. So here we have OAWC instead of OAMC (someone turned the M upside down)

I cook a head every Sunday 6 portions of one meal.

So we eat freezer meals 6 days a week and one day every week is open for leftovers, fresh fish, take away, going out or whatever we want :-)

Sunday we eat the dish that I have cooked. Monday to Friday we get what we have in the freezer and Saturday we eat something else.

Friday when I have tucked in the kids I find a recipe that I would like to make on Sunday, I also add the recipe to my food planner app (the best app in the world, it generates the shopping list for me).
I add 2 recipes to the app. OAWC-C (cooking) and OAWC-S (serving)

Saturday I make my shopping list from the OAWC-C recipe (takes only a couple of minutes with that lovely app) and I shop for the upcoming week and for my OAWC.
Before I go to bed I make sure that the kitchen is all done and ready for some serious cooking.

Sunday I prep and cook, cool and freeze.
6 portions of the same meal: one we eat for dinner the same day and the rest is stored in the freezer.
Then I make sure to add the meal to my food planner app 5 weeks ahead.

This is so easy and saves me a lot if time on the busy days.

Sometimes we do not stick to the plan. But then I just move the meal in my food planner to an other week.

This way I sometimes have weeks where I do not cook or cook a big portion of soup or make a huge bunch of desserts. So every day evening we get a cup of soup,  main dish and dessert, and it only takes 15 to 30 minutes in the kitchen to get dinner on the table.

If you haven't tried it, you should, it saves me so much time and money. And we get a delicious meal avery day.

At the moment we have enough meals in the freezer to live a whole month on it.